Dear valued supporters and visitors, 

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support and patronage. I am writing to inform you that I have made the decision to return to work full-time in the public sector. This path will allow me to make a significant positive impact, and I am thrilled to have accepted an incredible opportunity.

As Dr. Cornel West once said, “Justice is What Love Looks Like in Public.”  This principle will guide my future endeavors, as I focus on turning it into a tangible reality.

I invite you to visit my LinkedIn page for Morning Coffee and Thought, where we can engage in stimulating conversations about inclusivity and other important topics. It provides an easy platform to connect and share thoughts.

Once again, I express my deepest gratitude for you and our conversations. Your belief in me and my work has meant the world.

Gratefully Yours,

Zenell B. Brown

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